Covelli S., Fontolan G., 1996. Regional geochemical functions to assess the impact of an inert waste disposal along the coastal zone. Partnership in Coastal Zone Management "Littoral '96", Portsmouth, 16-19 settembre, 1996, Taussik J., Mitchell J. (Eds.), Samara Publishing Ltd., Cardigan (UK), 655-672.
Some regional geochemical functions were calculated for the Gulf of Trieste (Italy) in order to obtain a baseline to use in enrichment factor (EF) determination. The quality of the method was tested in a coastal area near a disposal site for inert wastes, using also some widely used and local background values. The EFs determined using regional functions show a good correspondence with the function related to local pre-industrial background values, whereas Turekian & Wedepohl's (1961) and Taylor's (1964) data tend to overestimate the degree of contamination. The EFs areal distribution also permitted to point out a Zn, Cu, and Pb enriched sector, located further south than the disposal site, whose contamination cannot be related to heavy metal releases from the landfill.