Regional geochemical functions to assess the impact of an inert waste disposal along the coastal zone
Covelli S., Fontolan G., 1996. Regional geochemical functions to assess the impact of an inert waste disposal along the coastal zone. Partnership in Coastal Zone Management "Littoral '96", Portsmouth, 16-19 settembre, 1996, Taussik J., Mitchell J. (Eds.), Samara Publishing Ltd., Cardigan (UK), 655-672.
Some regional geochemical functions were calculated for the Gulf of Trieste (Italy) in order to obtain a baseline to use in enrichment factor (EF) determination. The quality of the method was tested in a coastal area near a disposal site for inert wastes, using also some widely used and local background values. The EFs determined using regional functions show a good correspondence with the function related to local pre-industrial background values, whereas Turekian & Wedepohl's (1961) and Taylor's (1964) data tend to overestimate the degree of contamination. The EFs areal distribution also permitted to point out a Zn, Cu, and Pb enriched sector, located further south than the disposal site, whose contamination cannot be related to heavy metal releases from the landfill.