Analisi di laboratorio
The MercuRILab is involved in environmental research and analyses, with particular attention to sediment, soil and water matrices, by the integrated use of chemical-physical techniques.
At present, we can offer the following analyses:
- Grain-size with several techniques (Mastersizer 2000 Malvern laser granulometer, Sedigraph 5100 Micromeritics, Macrogranometer)
- Water content, density (gas multipicnometer Quantachrome)
- Organic matter content (Loss On Ignition)
- Total and Organic Carbon, Nitrogen (ECS 4010 Elemental Combustion System Costech)
- Carbonate content (Calcimeter)
- Two Microwave stations for sample preparation (Multiwave PRO, Anton Paar and Milestone, MLS 1200)
- Mercury in biological matrices, sediments and soils (Direct Mercury Analyzer-80, Milestone)
- Mercury in several mineralized matrices and via Cold Vapour-Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (CV-AAS, Aanalyst 100 + FIAS Perkin Elmer)
- Major and Trace elements via ICP-AES (Optima 8000 Perkin Elmer) or ICP-MS (NexION 300 Perkin Elmer). The two instruments operate under a research agreement with the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Clinical Unit of Occupational Medicine of Trieste University.
- Dissolved Mercury (total and reactive) via Atomic Fluorescence Spetroscopy (CV-AFS, Merkur Analytic Jena)
- Major and Trace elements via ICP-MS (NexION 300 Perkin Elmer). The two instruments operate under a research agreement with the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Clinical Unit of Occupational Medicine of Trieste University.
- Determination of Tritium with a liquid scintillation spectrometer to direct counting of extremely low radioactivity (LKB Quantulus 1220 Wallach) with or without previous distiilation and enrichment in electrolitical cells.
- Radon Counting in water samples with a liquid scintillation spectrometer (LKB Quantulus 120 Wallach)
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